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Special steps for those who want to give over $2,499 up to $9,999 on Giving Tuesday in a single transaction and get it doubled by Facebook.
A day or two BEFORE Giving Tuesday:
1. Log into your Facebook account and go to our donation page:
2. Hit the Donate button. Ensure the payment method is setup (Credit Card or Paypal) and make sure you have enough funds/credit limit for your transaction amount.
3. Enter $2501 (note that this will not donate $2501 at this time but us a necessary step to setup your confirmation in preparation for Tuesday)
4. Click the blue Donate $2501 button.
5. On the confirmation pop-up, click the Donate button:
6. This will give an identity confirmation popup. Click the blue Continue button
7. Fill out your personal information here and hit the Submit button at the bottom. Don't worry, this will not execute the donation at this time. It is only to submit your identity confirmation in preparation for future donations.
8. You will get this "Confirm you identity" popup if your information has been entered correctly. At this point CLICK ON THE "X" ON THE TOP RIGHT to close the window. Do NOT click on Continue.
9. It will ask you if you want to exit and you should click the Exit button:
On Giving Tuesday at 7:55 AM (a few minutes before the actual donation time of 8:00 AM) log into the donation site, click the Donate button and enter the amount you want to donate (up to $9,999) and click the Donate button. Note that this will not immediately donate the amount but will give you a confirmation popup:
At EXACTLY 8:00:00 AM (do a countdown using the website) click on the Donate button on the confirmation screen (in this example it shows $501 but in your case it will be your own amount):
Congratulations - you have gained the maximum chance of doubling your generous donation.
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