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Giving Tuesday 2021

Iskcon of new jersey

Founder Acharya His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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What is ”Giving Tuesday” ? 

  • Incentive given by Facebook to donate to your charity

  • Gives us a chance to double our donation (up to $20,000 per donor)

  • Over 2019 and 2020 we raised over $90,000 on our Giving Tuesday fundraisers

  • Facebook allots $8 million for this purpose

  • This gives us a very limited time window (just a few seconds!) at 8:00 AM on Tuesday




  • Make sure you have a Facebook account

  • Bookmark the link to the ISKCON of New Jersey Fundraiser page on Facebook

  • Setup your payment – easiest is via Paypal connected to your bank account

  • Make a small donation today to ensure that it will work on Tuesday for your larger donation

  • Use the world atomic clock for precise timing on Tuesday morning



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  • Setup your PayPal account

  • Make a $5 donation today

  • You will get a confirmation of your donation

  • Whether it got doubled or not we will find out in February after they process the data

  • To increase your chances of doubling, click the blue Donate button exactly at 8:00:00 AM on Giving Tuesday

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  • There is a default limit of $2,499 per donation.

  • Donors who wish to donate more than $2,499 should open multiple windows ready to go.

  • If your donation amount is $500 or larger, you will be presented with an additional “Confirm Your Donation” dialog. If so, click the first donate button a few seconds BEFORE 8AM and then the second Donate button exactly at 8:00AM.

  • The most effective way is multiple computers/phones and have multiple family members join the countdown ready to click on the donate button.

Other ways to get Free/Matching Donations
Employer matching: Many companies match their employee donations to non-profit organizations. A number of our donors have taken advantage of this benefit and have raised tens of thousands in matching donations over the years. Please check with your employer if they offer this benefit.
Amazon Smile: Amazon matches a certain percentage of your purchase amount of anything you buy on their site and gives it as a donation to a charity of your choice.
Simply shop at Amazon using this link and AmazonSmile will donate to ISKCON of New Jersey, at no cost to you. Use this link throughout the year for all your Amazon purchases and ISKCON of NJ gets a percentage.
Other Convenient Ways to Make Your Donation
Monthly EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer): You can sign up for recurring monthly donations which really add up over time and are the backbone of support for the temple. 
Check made out ISKCON of New Jersey or Cash donation given at the temple office (cash receipt given immediately).
Venmo: ISKCONofNewJersey
Your tax-deductible donation will:
1. Help build this magnificent temple that will be your spiritual oasis at all stages of your life.
2. Go toward promoting Sanatana Dharma (eternal Vedic religion) across generations, cultures, languages and races.
3. Add to your spiritual happiness. Giving is receiving and our teachings have shown that those who give toward the building of a temple of the Lord receive innumerable spiritual blessings for themselves and their families.
4. Support the distribution of free prasadam. Thousands of free, nutritious meals have been distributed by our temple since the start of the year even though we have remained closed for most of these months. The new temple will allow us to greatly expand this wonderful service to the community.
5. Ensure that future generations in this country will benefit from the rich and uplifting pure message of the Gita as taught by Srila Prabhupada.
6. Join many other broad-minded and generous individuals who have already given collectively over $5.5 million to this successful project.

Therefore please consider giving generously to this worthy cause.

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